"My kids watch Nickleodeon kid's shows that feature products that are familiar to everyone, but they change the brand names. For example: Their laptops have a pear logo instead an apple. Mocco Co"

"I love the Godfather trilogy. Part III got a lot of criticism, and much of it deserved. I hated it when I first saw it. I was waiting for something to happen and it never did. After going back and wat"

"Alan Rickman is a great villian. Jeremy Irons is pretty good, too."

"A good list, but some Jack classics were overlooked. The Last Detail was already mentioned. Five Easy Pieces had the famous diner scene. The Missouri Breaks. The Postman Always Rings Twice. Car"

"I agree he added more dimensions to the Max Cady character. He made him more complex. Why did you pass over Casino?"

"I agree. Burton changed the story so much, it is primarily a re-make in name only. His is a convoluted mess. The original is so much better. I don't think it needed all those sequels, however. As "

"I can't believe you are praising Darth Maul. He was the biggest disappoint. The movie studio used his image heavily to promote the movie. Everyone ws expecting the second coming of Darth Vader. In"

"With very few exceptions, movie versions of TV shows are generally pretty bad. There have been some exceptions, though. Usually the successful ones either have a novel twist or up the drama and/or"

"I agree that John Lennon, one of the greatest voices of rock, should be represented. Rod Stewart should have a place as well. I know he sold out long ago, but early in his career, he was a great r"

"King Louie was voiced by Louis Prima, a Sicillian American Singer, Trumpet player, songwriter, actor, and bandleader. He was known as the King of the Swing and spoke the jive talk of the jazz hepca"

"I like the catty remarks between Dave Grohl and Courtney Love. There is something going on there that no one is aware of. I was also suprized at the number of comments credited to Elton John."

"I didn't know Gladiator was based on a true story. I resent the fact that James Cameron took one of the greatest disasters of the 20th century and reduced it to the background of a love story/chick"

"I thought Insomnia was a good movie. There are a lot of directors I have never heard of, so I really can't judge them."

"I agree with every one except Watchmen and Last Action Hero."

"I also thought Wild Hogs was funny. I have considered it a 'guilty pleasure', but it appears others share my opinion. I agree Bill Macy is very funny in his scene-stealing role of the computer nerd/ba"

"I would also have pick De Niro. Both are fine actors with many impressive film roles to their credit. It is a fact they have both been offered the same role when one of them declines, so Hollywood"

"I thought the Bee Gees were from Australia. Wasn't The Move from Manchester? "

"TV Bachelor "fathers": Andy Taylor, Bill Davis, and Steve Douglas."

"The Addams Family house reminds me a little of the Bates' house from Psycho, Which should be included, by the way. The Twilight house reminds me of Cammeron's family's house from Ferris Bueller's D"

"Sean Connery will always be the quintessential Bond to me. You left out his one shot return to the role in the 80's with Never Say Never Again. I never accepted Roger Moore as Bond. He was always S"

"Good List. I think Christopher Walken and Crispin Glover should be on the list as well."

"I totally agree on The Highlander. The original movie was a self-contained story and they should have left it there. I thoroughly enjoyed the first movie. When it became popular on cable and at the"

"I agree. A good list. I remember Jerry Lewis getting rave reviews for his 'dramatic debut'. I think the reason he was so effective was because he was playing a pompus ass just like himself. I also "

"In my opinion, the book is generally better than the movie. This is because the format allows the reader to get more information and a better understanding of the actions and motivation of the charact"

"What about the famous couples, John Lennon & Yoko Ono, Cary Grant & Diane Cannon, and the couples that combined their marriages and their careers, like George Burns & Gracie Allen, Lucille Ball & Desi"