"I am glad to see Mick Taylor get mentioned. Before the legendary work he did with the Stones, he was part of the British Blues scene of the 60's, playing with John Mayall's Bluesbreakers from 1966-196"

"I would also nominate Full Metal Jacket, Stalag 17, The Dirty Dozen, Hell is For Heroes, Sands of Iwo Jima, In Harm's Way, and Patton."

"I agree that Lucas cheapened a great franchise with all the CGI enhancements and prequels. The thing about Lucas is that he is great with effects technology, but can't tell a story to save his life. "

"Gosh, there are so many. In addition to Cagney and Bogey, there is Gregory Peck, Paul Newman, Cornelle Wilde, Victor Mature, Anthony Quinn, Marlon Brando, William Holden, Sean Connery, Walter Matheau,"

"Some of these guys, I have never seen without a mustache. Like Wilfred Brimley, Dennis Farina, Fred Williamson, and Tony Iommi. What about David Crosby, Duane Allman, Tommy Lee Jones, Dustin Hoffman"

"Richard Pryor ranked at number 12? In my opinion, he ranks right up there with Carlin and Bruce. Rodney Dangerfield was an old-school, Catskills-type comedian, but he remains king of the one-liners"

"I think 'The Black Bird' is more of an updated re-make or homage than a sequel."

"Does Clint Eastwood play an instrument? I remember he did some guest 'vocals' with Merle Haggard for the film 'Bronco Billy', but it was mostly just talking. He didn't seem to have much of a singing v"

"A very funny comedian, great comic actor, and a good dramatic actor as well, especially his sometimes creepy bad guy roles."

"Spongebob is supposed to be annoying, that is his thing. But I think he is only supposed to annoy the other characters and not the audience. I would take Chewbacca over Jar Jar Binks anyday. As a m"

"Why are there more movies with 2 dudes and a girl than there are with 2 girls and a dude?"

"How about a young Jeff Bridges and a young Jack Nicholson?"

"You have some good ones here. I am intrigued by Six-String Samurai. I have never heard of it before. It looks quirky and off the wall."

"Blair Witch 2, seriously? Why do most bad movies have one-word titles? "

"John Lennon's Acoustic Gibson J-160E with the electric pickup and his Epiphone Casino ES-335 that he later removed the pick guard and sanded the finish to bare wood applying a thin coat of laquer."

"What about his first stab at a dramatic part in 'The Razor's Edge'? Also his supporting role as the crooked lawyer in 'Wild Things'. His portrayal of Hunter s. Thompson in 'Where The Buffalo Roa"

"What about 'Geisha Boy', 'Visit to a Small Planet', 'Way, Way Out', 'Boeing, Boeing', 'Don't Raise the Bridge, Lower the Water', 'Which Way to the Front?', 'Jumping Jacks', 'Money From Home', 'Youre' "

"Lou Costello made only one movie without Bud Abbott. It was called 'The 30 Foot Bride from Candy Rock' from 1959. The film was not released until 5 months after Lou died of a heart attack."

"I didn't even know there was a George of the Jungle sequel. Who's bright idea was that? The same thing with Dirty Dancing. Did we really need a sequel to that? I am glad I am not the only one wh"

"You are right when you say most drug movies aren't happy stories, in fact, they are usually very depressing. Rush immediately comes to mind. A very good and well made movie, but the story is as depres"

"I never had the desire to see Armageddon. I don't usually like those kind of movies unless they are very well done, and this one didn't appear to be. The same with Beowulf. Like you, I was turned o"

"You have a few that are not normally thought of as Christmas standards mixed in with the usual Chestnuts. I think that is great. If it is a movie you always watch at Christmastime, then it is a Christ"

"There are no pictures of the Ikettes? What about the Raylettes? (Ray Charles' backup singers) Fanny The Runaways The GTO's "

"I was expecting a lot of comments on this list. I guess Lennon and his legacy is not as relevent to young people now. There are still some of us old folks around that remember all the fuss and hyp"

"Great list. Some comments. The Swimmer - Lancaster, great as always. Baron Munchausen - I was really anticipating this one, but was put off by the negative reviews. I heard that Robin Williams d"

"Is the value based on Box Office gross? I am not sure I inderstand this list. Good movies, though."