"great list of classic lovers. Was Monroe and Brando ever a couple? I wasn't aware of that."

"Nice list with interesting comments. Good job. There was talk of Scorsese and De Niro getting back togther. Not for a remake of Taxi Driver, but a sequel that picks up the story in the present time"

"I love the classic actresses. I liked Virna Lisi in the comedy 'How to Murder Your Wife' with Jack Lemmon and Terry-Thomas. "

"The kid from Even Stevens is really strange looking now. He almost looks like an alien."

"Liv Tyler's mother is also famous. She is the model and singer, Bebe Buell."

"May I suggest After The Fox and A Shot in the Dark?"

"How about Sean Connery with the little grey, pointed beard. I can't remember which movie. Hunt for Red October, maybe?"

"You are a very brave and honest man. I applaud the genuine feeling you put into this list based on your enjoyment of the actual movie, regardless if it was considered 'cool' or 'trendy'. For that alon"

"A very inrteresting list with some things most people would not think to be true, such as: Hall and Oates was a more successful duo than The Everly Brothers. Wings had bigger hits than The Bee G"

"He is the definitive James Bond. I was happy to see you included the Tarzan movie in which he appeared as a bad guy. I always enjoy watching him in whatever movie he happens to be in. It is sad tha"

"Great list and some very witty comments. I would just like to point out that back in JFK's time, the press actually had respect for the US President's privacy. They went out of their way not to pri"

"You did a good job. This is a very nice list. The ironic thing about Keith Moon's overdose, is that the pill he OD'd on was prescribed to prevent him from drinking alcohol. It is also ironic that Wy"

"Nice list, but I don't think Bowie or Iggy were ever good-looking, even when they were young. The same goes for Sarah Jessica Parker."

"What about Henry VIII and Marie Antoinette? Were they cruel, or just decadent and uncaring?"

"Ian Curtis (joy Division) - 23 Bill Haley (Rock Around the Clock) - 59 Bob Hite (Canned Heat) - 36 Harry Chapin - 38 Randy Rhodes (Ozzy Osbourne) - 25 Dennis Wilson (Beach Boys) - 39 Marvin Gaye"

"Showgirls did have a lot of sex, but I don't think it was intentionally funny."

"John Bonham died at 32 Eddie Cochran dies at 21 Sam Cooke died at age 33 Jerry Garcia died at 53 Otis Redding died at 26 Tammi Terrell dead at 24 Gene Vincent dead at 36 Duane Allman dies at age 24 J"

"I love old movie posters, and this list shows Saul Bass at his best. I was not aware of him, although I had seen his work before. Seeing them altogether like this, you can see his distinct style shine"

"I think Talk Radio was a very good early Oliver Stone movie. I found it compelling even though most of it occurs in the radio station with only Bogosian onscreen. I always thought he based this charac"

"1. Blade Runner (great scene) 2. Seven Samurai (iconic image) 3. The Swawshank Redemption 4. The 13th Warrior 5. Gladiator"

"Some of these are hard to read, but gruesomely fasinating just the same. Very interesting."

"An interesting list. It appears almost every leading man in Hollywood turned down Misery before James Caan accepted it."