"Lorne Green's 'Ringo' was a top 10 hit in 1964. Michael Parks' album also contained the popular closing theme 'Long Lonesome Highway'. Beleive it or not, he released a total of 8 albums. Walter "

"Those are good suggestions. I tried to be very selective and only list the best of the best, or the cream of the crop. It was very hard for me not to include every John Wayne and Clint Eastwood wester"

"Does he kidnap brides, or prevent brides from being kidnapped? I would think the latter would be the easiest job."

"I actually like John C Reilly and David Caradine, but agree with the rest."

"What about Bad Company, Cracked Rear View, All Things Must Pass, John Prine, Climbing, Texas Flood"

"Legend is the best place to start if you are new to Bob Marly's music, or even if you are a big fan, it is a great album and has some songs that sound better than the original album cuts."

"A nice list. I think Entwhistle is one of the greatest Bassists in Rock. He plays the bass like you would play a guitar instead of just laying down a basic rhythm for the drummer to follow. Paul Mcart"

"I am not as big a fan of Burton as I used to be due to the disappointing movies he has been making recently. I do agree with you on several points, though: 1 - He made the best Batman movies. 2 "

"I love car chases, so naturally, I have seen all of these except for To Live and Die in LA."

"The reference is to photographer jim Marshall."

"I love Bogey in just about anything. Of the ones you want to see, I would recommend The Treasure of the Sierra Madre and The Caine Mutiny. He plays an interesting character in High Sierra as well. Dea"

"Although I find his life interesting, I don't condone his actions or believe in the occult. He seemed to enjoy promoting himself as the most evil man who ever lived. There is a diference between me"

"I like the old water test where they would bound the accused witches and throw them into a container of deep water. If the water rejects the body, and it floats up to the top, she is proven to be a wi"

"Bill Murray is way funnier than Chevy Chase. Chevy ran out of steam (and good roles) after Caddyshack and the Vacation movies. Bill also seems to be in the process of being accepted as a serious d"

"Isn't the new Sin City movie supposed to be out this year?"

"Troy - Brad Pitt in a leather miniskirt. Burlesque - Attempted to remake Showgirls, only not as high-brow. Sphere - Micheal Crichton novel, all-star cast, Barry Levinson directing, what could go"

"The first time they tried to do an update on The Lone Ranger, it was a big flop. They were all prepared for it to be a blockbuster and had all the merchandising and everything ready to go. They even p"

"I noticed the Porsche when I first saw Commando on cable back in the 80s, but I was not observent enough to catch all these others, good job!"

"I love the little smirk on Bush's face after dodging the shoe. He seems to be saying, "you missed me, you missed me!" You can't see it in the GIF, but in the full clip, it is hilarious."

"Good list. It proves that Paranoid was their greatest album. I followed them until Vol.4. In my opinion, the music declined after that. Parts of Sabotage and Sabbath Bloody Sabbath were good, but no"

"Great list and some beautiful cinematography. You should check out my list of great cinematography sometime."

"A very good list, but no Catcher in the Rye?"

"Nice list. I couldn't agree more about John Cazale. A great "What if..." actor. He only made 5 movies, and every one of them were nominated for the Academy Award for best picture."

"I liked Island of Dr Moreau as well, but couldn't agree more on M. Night. He made one good movie and is spending the rest of his career trying to repeat it. When everyone is talking about what the twi"

"Where did you get the rankings from? Was it a from a pre-existing list, or did you rank them?"