"I'm a big Michael Caine fan. Your list makes me want to check out Harry Brown."

"Great collection. You have some real classics here."

"The movie kind of hinted that Clyde enjoyed 'playing' with CW. It also showed a frustrated and embarassed Clyde during a love session that appearently was cut short. Bonnie stated that he had strange "

"I loved Pete and Pete as well. I used to watch it with my son and we could both enjoy it on different levels. Another famous guest star was Michael Stipe of REM."

"You are right about Tarantino turning careers around. It was expected that he would do the same for Kevin Costner when he was set to appear in Django Unchained during the early planning stages of that"

"You get my vote for putting Roadhouse at the top where it belongs."

"I like that James Cameron rejected OJ Simpson because he was 'too nice' to be believable as a cold blooded murderer. Interesting list."

"I would have expected Morgan Freeman, Samuel Jackson, and Lawrence Fishburn to dominate this list."

"I have seen a lot of concerts in my day, but I am jealous of all the great acts that you saw. I have never seen Dylan or Van Morrison, and I never had the chance to see The Ramones."

"Phoenix's performance as Cash was good except when he was performing onstage in the film. He exagurated Cash's mannerisms to the extent that he seemed to be doing a parody of Cash rather that trying t"

"There has yet to be a historically acurate movie made about Wyatt Earp, the gunfight at the OK corral, Billy the Kid, or Wild Bill Hicock, although there are plenty of movies out there about them. "

"Good list. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the comments."

"I could never give my 10 favorite Beatle songs. They have so many great ones, how can you only pick 10?"

"A great list with some beautiful pictures. I agree that good cinematography adds so much to a movie. It can make a bad movie watchable and a good movie great. You have made some good picks that some p"

"Howard Stern is only half jewish and doesn't practice the religion."

"Just a thought, were the judges that rejected him Jewish? If so, it might have had an effect on how things went in his later years."

"A very nice list. Very informative and well researched."

"Is anyone suprized that Tolkien is running away with this? "

"Its been a long time since I saw 'It'. I think it was the original run on Network TV. As you mentioned, the clown was not really central to the plot, but Tim Curry's performance, along with the fac"

"I can't think of any titles right now, but it seems like Shelly Winters played prostitutes in a few movies. Natalie Wood in This Property is Condemed. Shirley Jones in Cheyenne Social Club. D"